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Mobile App UX/UI Design

Agency App

Discover and customize your dream travel package from various agencies on one platform. Enjoy secure payments and verified trip packages with the Travel App

img hero section travel agency

The Story behind

Agency App


Travel APP is a platform where travellers will be able to pick the best package by comparing it from travel packages of different travel agencies or travel groups. They can also customize it as per their choice. The biggest advantage is that the verification of events and trip packages, booking, payment, security processes, and solutions can be found from one platform.

Our Role

User Persona
User Flow
UI/UX Design

Making Your Business

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Project Timeline

project timeline travel agency app


img personas roger baptista

John Anderson

Age: 35

Status: Married

Location: New York, USA


John is a 35-year-old business professional who travels frequently for work and leisure. He seeks a travel app that streamlines trip planning, enabling him to quickly compare packages from various travel groups. His primary need is access to verified and secure event packages with a seamless booking and payment process. He often faces frustrations in ensuring the reliability of travel packages.


• Streamlined Trip Planning

• Simplify the process


• Access to verified and secure event packages


• Difficulty in ensuring package reliability




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img personas kianna workman

Emily Roberts

Age: 28

Status: Single

Location: Los Angeles, USA


Emily, loves art very much, knows how to draw beautifully by hand and make portraits. He is fond of design, also fulfills orders, thereby working as a designer. She is fond of reading, photography. She likes to actively spend his holidays in nature, knows how to cook pancakes deliciously.


• Discover Ideal Vacation
• Find the perfect package


• Comprehensive comparison of travel deals


• Tedious process of searching multiple websites




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The story continues

As the Travel APP evolves, user feedback drives its design evolution. Enhanced comparison tools, more customization options, and seamless integration of security processes take the platform to new heights.

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The story continues

Design Evolution

bg ellipse small travel app

Travel APP undergoes a transformative design evolution, incorporating user insights and industry trends. Advanced comparison features, expanded customization, and fortified security protocols create an enhanced user experience.


SF Pro Display

Primary Font


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V W  X  Y  Z

a  b  c  d  e  f  g  h  i  j  k  l  m  n  o  p  q  r  s  t  u  v  w  x  y  z

0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  !  @  #  $  %  a  &  c  *  0  ?  .  ,

Colors Palette

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The final result

The culmination of Travel APP’s evolution is a comprehensive travel platform that empowers users to plan their perfect trips effortlessly. With advanced comparison tools, personalized customization options, and top-notch security features, travelers can confidently explore and book their dream packages in one reliable and user-friendly platform.

img mockup final result travel agency app
img travel agency app final result 1 1

The Final Design

Here are some of the final design screens that we want to share with you.

img travel agency app simple home


Simple Home

We strive to keep things easy and trendy for the home screen. So travellers will easily locate the information needed.


Agency Details

Travelers can find the specifics of the agency very quickly. They can see their ratings and activities.

img travel agency app agency details
img travel agency app popular trip list


Popular Trip List

The popular trip list can be reviewed by people. And they can pick their journey and make a price comparison.


Trip Details

Travelers will see the complete details of their journey. They can also tailor their tour plan.

img travel agency app trip details
img final design showcase travel agency app

Travel App’s main product

Introducing - Travel Agency

img travel agency app project overview

Main challenge

Responsive flows and diagrams

We worked on the best way to showcase the benefits of the product and how they could be integrated into the existing processes. To achieve that, we designed complex diagrams that could be scaled and folded on every screen size.

img travel agency app project timeline
img travel agency app final part